Tag Archives: Scripture

Cover Them

Numbers 4

When the Israelites moved, the Levites needed to be very careful to protect the most holy things used in worship. They covered the Ark with the shielding curtain, the table of the Presence with a blue cloth. Then they put the utensils, bowls, etc. on top of the table and covered it all with a red cloth.

The lamp stand was wrapped in blue cloth as were the gold altar and articles. Even the ashes were protected by a purple cloth. Then everything was covered with top layers of sea cow hides.

The Israelites were told by God to first protect the most holy things, then they were ready to get on the road. Nothing, not a dent or scratch or smudge, was going to harm the most holy things as the Israelites followed God.

What does that have to do with anything? I’m not sure we are as carful to protect the holy things of God today. What about our hearts, our minds, God’s Word, the light He has called us to be to the world, the Gospel of Jesus? Do we cover those things in prayer and Scripture before we follow God into our day?

I’m afraid too often we start our days without giving a thought to the most holy things. I’m afraid we go into worship services with such a casual attitude the most holy things are exposed to the elements of the world. I’m afraid the most holy things are dented, scratched, and smudged by our neglect.

The Jews were intentional about covering the most holy things. I wonder if we shouldn’t learn from their example.

How Do You Know?

1 Corinthians 11

I’m asking an honest question, the answer to which I do not know. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 gives instructions to men and women concerning worship, prayer, and hair. He clearly says women ought to be wearing hats. It would appear Paul is saying a woman shouldn’t be seen without a hat.

Paul instructs women to never cut their hair, and men to keep their’s short. So why aren’t we doing those things?

We insist women not teach men or be pastors because Paul instructed such. What makes 11:2-16 different? How do you know?

As I think about this, I don’t remember Jesus speaking to the issue of women wearing head coverings. And I can’t think of a time when He addressed the command that women remain silent. Do you know if there is anything in Scripture that explains why we take one of Paul’s commands literally, and it’s permissible to dismiss another?

I know we all have opinions about these things. I have my own. And I’m not promoting burqas or demanding we women stop cutting our hair. I don’t want to get into an argument about the role of women in the church. I just want to know why we treat the issues differently when Paul addressed them both in the same way.

And rather than me spouting my opinion, I need help finding Scripture that backs up what Paul is saying. How do we know, according to Scripture, when to hang our hats (pun intended) on a few verses, and when to ignore them?

I love how God continues to challenge me in my walk with Him. I know He’s doing the same for you. And if we can help each other, according to Scripture, we are living the Church. So let me ask you again,

How do you know?

Don’t Bow

Daniel 3

So, King Nebuchadnezzar had a huge statue built, as high as the lighthouse on Saint Simons Island. You couldn’t miss it! Then, the decree went out – you WILL bow down to this idol, or die.

You probably know the story. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow. When everyone else hit the ground when the music played, those three young men stood tall. They must have stood out like those brave athletes who refuse to bend a knee during the National Anthem. Kind of hard to miss.

Got me to thinking about other formidable idols being erected today: transgenderism, homosexual marriage, pronouns, abortion, climate change, COVID, socialism, progressive Christianity, wokeness…

Lots of idols there!

In fact, there are so many it seems people are walking on their knees, bowing here, bowing there. They exist in a constant state of surrender to this idol, and to that. Less and less people are standing tall.

The threat of punishment is real. And getting more real every day. So what’s a person to do?

Look at this portion of Scripture. You’ll find the answer. Those brave young men were able to stand strong because they truly trusted God. They trusted God whether they lived or died. They trusted God whether they were heading for hardship, or whether God would deliver them. They trusted God.

The result was, they were thrown into the fire with the intent it would kill them. But the fire didn’t kill them, did it? In fact, the fire didn’t even touch them even though they were walking right in it. And… the most amazing part of it… Jesus was right there walking in the fire with them. The king and his men actually saw Jesus in the fire with them. They saw Jesus.

So many of us don’t let Jesus do that for us. And sadly, we don’t allow Jesus to be seen by those who want us to surrender to their idols.

We surrender to the idol of transgenderism when we call a woman “him” because she mutilates her body and pretends to be male. We bow to the idol of progressive Christianity when we sing the songs that glorify our own feelings, when we accept the downplaying of sin in favor of “love.” We bow at the feet of government when we allow ourselves to be manipulated into closing the doors of our churches, keeping ourselves quarantined and isolated, wearing masks that do nothing but make us fall into line, and putting untested chemicals in our bodies because someone erects the idol of “science.”

We’ve all done it. We bow, and keep bowing to idols unseen, yet as real as Nebuchadnezzar’s giant idol in ancient Babylon where Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow. Can we join together, support one another, and change that?

Let’s stand on the Truth God has revealed in His Word, exactly as He has revealed it in His Word. Let’s not fear those who would have us bow to the prince of this world, because…

greater is He who is in you than the one who is in the world! (1 John 4:4)

Kindling For The Fire

Jeremiah 36-39

Does it shock you that King Zedekiah could cut off a portion of God’s Word and throw it into the fire? He cut off one section at a time until the whole scroll was destroyed. Can you believe this man’s audacity? His blatant disrespect for God’s word is astounding.

When I was in pre-school our Sunday School teachers, Aunt Minnie and Aunt Rose taught us to never set anything on top of our Bibles. They had us practice stacking books so we would learn to place the Bible above all others. Aunt Minnie and Aunt Rose would not be happy with Zedekiah!

But, as always, God asks me to dig a little deeper. I am right to be appalled at Zedekiah’s unbelievable rejection of God’s Word. But am I as appalled at my own?

You don’t reject God’s Word, Connie. You read it every day. You write what you’ve learned about what you’ve read every day. You even throw it out into cyber-space, praying someone will be drawn closer to God through your blog. You teach Sunday School, for crying out loud. You haven’t rejected God’s Word. You proclaim it every day.

Ain’t I special?

But God doesn’t let us pat ourselves on the back very long before He slaps us in the face:

What about those thoughts you have that dishonor me? Did you cut out Philippians 4:8 and throw it into the fire? How about Matthew 10:37-39? Aren’t you more concerned about offending your family than you are about being true to Me? That’s a hard verse. Maybe it’s just easier to cut it out of Scripture and throw it into the fire.


I can condemn old Zedekiah all I want. But I don’t think God included this account in His Word so we could point fingers at some guy who’s been dead for thousands of years.

I hear God asking me today: How chopped up is your own Bible, Connie?

If we are cutting out portions of God’s Word because we don’t want to deal with the Truth and we don’t like what it’s telling us about ourselves, we might be preparing the kindling to start the very fire that will torture us in eternity.

Don’t Make The Same Mistake

1 Kings 13

Once again I am reminded how dangerous it is to believe everything you hear. The prophet heard from a man claiming to be a prophet, that God had changed His mind. The prophet believed what the man claiming to be a prophet said. And the prophet died.

There are many people claiming to be what they are not: experts, authorities, messengers of truth. But they are nothing more than evil liars, knowingly and unknowingly.

They speak convincingly about gender issues, about loving America, about when life begins, systemic racism, Marxism and socialism, and about how foolish you have to be to believe the Bible.

They even re-write the Bible to defend their depravity. They take over our pulpits and classrooms. They flaunt their sin, demanding everyone bow at their altar of sin. They hijack our stores, our TV shows, our news media, and our government. Then they persecute those who dare to speak against their agenda.

The prophet we read about today made a fatal error. He didn’t go to God to find the Truth. He simply accepted what was told him.

Don’t make the same mistake. Yes, the voices are loud. Yes, they can sound convincing and make you think you’ve been wrong all along. That’s why you have got to go to God for the Truth.

Read the Bible for yourself, asking God to reveal Truth. Then read it again. Study it. Dig deeper. Pray over it. Don’t take my word, or the word of your pastor for it. Don’t listen to the TV preacher or read your favorite “Christian” author. READ GOD’S OWN WORDS.

God IS Truth. He lovingly provided the tangible access to the Truth in the Scriptures He inspired. Why would you believe anything or anyone else?

The prophet died because he simply believed what he was told. Don’t make the same mistake.

A Blank Check

Psalm 119; 1 Kings 2-3

I’m glad these chapters were bundled together in my reading plan today. We hear God give Solomon a blank check. He could ask for anything, and God would give it. Anything!

How would you fill out that blank check? What would you ask for? Most of our minds would probably go to that ocean-front home, the presidency of the US, that Ferrari we’ve dreamt about, or that bank account that rivals Elon Musk’s. Others might ask for a long healthy life, or the love of that elusive high school crush. If you could have anything at all, what would it be?

How many said, “wisdom?” Anybody?

We know that is exactly what Solomon asked God for. Discernment. The ability to be a wise leader. Sorry, but I doubt that would have made my top five things I’d ask for if I had the chance to fill in that blank check with anything I wanted.

That is, until I stopped to think about it. Because the truth is I DO want wisdom and discernment. I do want to know Truth and be able to share that with those who have distorted it. I do want to lead by example. I want these things more and more as our society continues to crumble right in front of me, and the eternal souls of the children in my life are being ambushed.

I believe, if I ask God, He will give me the wisdom I seek. But how will I receive that wisdom? Will He just zap me like He did Solomon? Maybe.

Or maybe He has already provided His wisdom, and all I have to do is cash it in.

Turn to Psalm 119. There is the answer. The key to having the wisdom of God is to love His Word like the psalmist did. Every one of the 176 verses that make up this psalm speaks to God’s Word, His law, His decrees, precepts and testimony. The psalmist loves God Word, longs for it, and lives it. That speaks to me today

Is my daily time reading the Bible just something I do, or is it my lifeline? Do I read it, then forget it? Or do I ingest it and allow it to feed and grow me? Do I spend more time reading things people have written ABOUT Scripture than I do reading Scripture for myself and allowing God to reveal His wisdom directly to me?

Do I love God’s Word and base my life on its Truth?

If I want the wisdom of God, I need only to open the pages that contain His own Words, and let God bless me with everything I need to know. I don’t need a blank check. I want to cash in the one that God already offers, payable to Connie in the amount of unlimited wisdom, signed by my Heavenly Father.

God’s Word Speaks

Deuteronomy 12-15

Chapters such as these might come with the temptation to just gloss over them. Don’t!

Even though the letter of the Law has been fulfilled through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, the heart of the Law ought to be followed today. And I know God ‘s Word speaks to those with ears to hear.

In these chapters I hear God tell us to love Him, fear Him, obey Him, worship Him in truth.

I also hear God say don’t dabble in sin, don’t turn a blind eye to it, but remove it from your life no matter how hard it might be or how drastic an action it might take.

I hear God tell us to always recognize our blessings come from Him, and we need to support the ministry of the Gospel with our first fruits, with the best we have to offer.

I hear God tell us to eat healthy.

Please don’t ever read the Bible without listening for and expecting to hear what He has to say. God always speaks through His Word . Don’t miss it.

The Manufacturer’s Manual

Deuteronomy 2-4

If God, the Creator of life, tells us how to live life, how foolish is it to do anything other than what He says?

Do we use the pilot light on our gas water heaters according to what the manufacturer says, or do we decide what works for us? Maybe we don’t see the need to relight a pilot light that’s gone out if we weren’t washing clothes that day anyway. Besides, didn’t we see something on You Tube that said believing it could blow up wasn’t even true? A little gas escaping shouldn’t effect anything when you finally light that match, according to the guy in the video.

I’ll do me.

How many of you actually use the manufacturer’s owner’s manual for your car? Oh, you know you can use the car without it. But, are you using it to the fullest? Are you doing damage because you’re not aware of certain changes made to that model?

Ok. You get it. I’m talking about the Bible, God’s instructions for living. Can you imagine how different our world would look if we actually followed His instructions?

How foolish are we not to?

Your GPS

Numbers 31-33

Do you use a GPS when you travel? Do you ever ignore the GPS when you travel? How does that work out for you? If your destination is your goal, you might do better following the directions. If the journey is your goal, you might enjoy a detour now and again. And if the journey is your goal, you might never reach your destination.

If I counted correctly, the Israelites picked up and moved 41 times from the day they left Egypt until they finally entered the Promised Land. I think I’ve moved ten times since college, and that seems like a lot. I can’t imagine moving on average once a year for forty years.

Looking at the map in my Study Bible I realize they definitely didn’t take the short, direct route. You might say they took the scenic route! Yes, they got to their destination. But if you read about those forty years, you know it cost them dearly. In fact, many of them never reached the destination at all.

My destination is heaven. My goal is a right relationship with God But I look back on my life and see that I, too, have not always taken the direct route. There were times I wandered in a wilderness of rebellion, just like the Israelites did. I’ve made detours, worshiped other gods, got lost… and it cost me.

God has given us a GPS. It’s called Scripture. The Bible can and does tell us the best route to take.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 31:21)

When you come up against a crossroad and you don’t know which way to go, listen for the voice of God who will speak His Words to you. If you are veering off the route, or if you take a wrong turn, a Scripture will come to mind telling you to “make a legal U-turn.” Or you will be reading the Bible, and the Holy Spirit will highlight the passage that will point you in the right direction, re-routing you toward your destination. God speaks through His written Word as clearly as that MapQuest voice in your car.

If you are a young person reading this, take it from one who has been young. Trust God. Obey Him. Let Him lead you. Resist the temptation to take a detour, or to figure out your own route. Your destination may be heaven, if you know Jesus as your Savior. But God has a route mapped out for you that is direct, blessed, and shared with HIm.

Don’t miss that! The years I spent in rebellion weren’t worth the cost. I wish you’d believe me. I don’t want you to make my mistakes.

To those of you no longer young: which route are you taking? It’s not too late to turn your life around, to re-route and obey God’s direction. Wilderness wandering is a waste of precious time.

You see, there is only one route to heaven. To ignore God’s GPS is foolishness, and will end in death. It doesn’t get more costly than that.

It’s so much better, the journey more enjoyable, the time more blessed following God’s GPS.

Why All The Tiny Details, God?

Exodus 24-27

Were you tempted to skim over these chapters today? If you are a visual learner or if you aren’t into architecture and construction details, you probably were like me and found your eyes glazing over. Pictures! I need pictures!

Whatever was God thinking, to include such minute details in His Word for a structure that has long since been destroyed? I don’t even know what a cubit is – or care.

But as is the case every time I read these chapters and others like them, I am reminded ALL Scripture has a purpose. It grows us, stretches us, strengthens us to make us useful members of God’s kingdom. God’s Word reveals Himself in an intimate and meaningful way. All of it. Including these chapters in Exodus.

So this morning, when I found my eyes glazing over I stopped, backed up, and read again, asking God to speak to my heart. He always answers that prayer!

Today I found myself honing in on the Mercy Seat, the Holy of Holies, and the curtain that separated God from the people. The building of the Tabernacle was so that God could be a visible Presence as the Jews wandered in the wilderness. It was the place the people could go to God in praise and worship, and to receive forgiveness for their sins. From what I can tell, it must have been a beautiful structure there in the desert. And there in the center of it all was where God lived on Earth.


The truth of it is, every detail of the Tabernacle points to Jesus. Probably in more ways than we realize. The Tabernacle was a real life picture of Jesus’ atoning work on the cross. When I read how the curtain in the Temple tore in two the moment Jesus died, I think back to the description of the curtain here in Exodus, and the purpose it was there.

It reminds me that now, after Jesus, there is unhindered access to the throne of God. God doesn’t live in a tent any more. He does not live in temples made by hands. He lives in those of us who have accepted His mercy and grace through the blood of His precious Son, Jesus!

We are the temple of God if we have repented of our sin. And all the minute details we read about in the building of the Tabernacle, God is as detailed in His building of you and me, His current home on Earth.

So don’t skim over these chapters. Read every word. Every detail. They were written for you from the God who loves you and wants you to know Him!