Pitching In

1 Chronicles 23-25

Do you ever come up to chapters like these and think, “Oh no! Not more names!” I hope you take time to read through them anyway. God must have included them in His Word for a reason more important than just to make you miserable! (and it can be miserable trying to pronounce those names).

Here’s my take away from reading them this morning. So many people were assigned responsibilities in the running of the temple. Hundreds of people are listed here; men, their sons and families. Many people had ownership in the ministry – not just the priests who offered the sacrifices.

I think it’s a model for the Church in 2024.

The preacher shouldn’t be doing everything. He may be controlling and find it hard to share the responsibility. Or he may be doing everything out of necessity because no one is willing to help. Doesn’t matter why. He should not be doing everything.

A few of the faithful shouldn’t be doing everything. The same people ought not to be holding the leadership positions in multiple areas for years on end.

Bring on the committees! Involve as many people as you can. Then involve some more.

I go to a church that has an average attendance of less than 150. But almost 100 of us took part in our second annual “Spring Fling,” a free festival we’ve organized for the community, complete with hot dogs and hamburgers, egg hunts, inflatables, a dunking machine, contests, and a good old fashioned cake walk. Teenagers and their parents, young parents, grandparents, and even a few great-grandparents shared responsibilities and took ownership of this ministry. It was awesome!

I think that’s what we see here in the chapters I read today in 1 Chronicles. Many people doing their part, joining with other people doing their part, to make the ministry pleasing to God. I believe that’s what God intends for all churches.

So I ask you: are you pitching in? Or are you a spectator? Are you doing your part? Or are you sitting back and forcing someone to do what God has called you to do? I would encourage you to get involved. Serving God with a family of faith is what God intends, and I promise… it’s awesome!

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