Monthly Archives: October 2023

You Are Not The Exception

Luke 12-14

Is Jesus the only way? Really? People want to believe that, if there aren’t multiple ways to God, a least they themselves will be the exception. In theory, Jesus is the Way, but God is too loving to send a good person like me to hell. Right?

That’s not what Jesus says. Jesus says the way is narrow, the invitation to the banquet comes with restrictions, the landowner demands obedience, even those rich according to their own standards will be held accountable to God’s standards.

The truth is, it doesn’t matter what you think. You aren’t God. It only matters what God says about His design.

Like it or not. Believe it or not. Jesus is the only way…

And you are not the exception.

Squandering A Blessing

John 6

Jesus was focused on His mission. But the Jewish people didn’t want a spiritual Savior, they wanted a human king, someone like them who would overthrow Roman rule. Jesus knew they were eager to make Him into that king. But becoming that king would have been disobedience, and Jesus wasn’t having anything to do with that. He was not about to compromise the mission.

So Jesus did something that spoke to me today. He removed Himself from their presence, and went instead into the Presence of the Father. Jesus went up the mountain alone to find a secluded spot where He could pray in private.

We Christians are being coerced into compromise these days. Giving in is the easy thing to do. But it’s sin. We go ahead and call people by their preferred pronouns, pretending along with sinners that a person can change his or her God-given gender. We embrace sin, tolerate false teaching, blend in so as not to offend way too often. We’ve even changed the way we worship so it’s appealing to non-believers, instead of what is required of the One we are supposed to be worshiping. Compromise has become the norm, and it’s becoming a requirement for Christians.

I’m wondering if we shouldn’t learn from Jesus’ example. Have we neglected the blessing of prayer, the incredible privilege of shutting ourselves off from the world for a moment to spend some intimate time with the Creator God who loves us? Even Jesus knew the importance of intentional communion with the Father. Shouldn’t it be obvious that we need it even more?

I think the evidence that we are squandering this blessing of prayer is plainly seen. If we were praying for God to reveal sin in us, He would. If we asked Him to cleanse our hearts, He would. If we asked Him for strength to stand up to the temptation to compromise, He’d gladly give us the strength. We have not because we ask not.

And we compromise because we don’t have the strength to stand. Look around. Are we happy with where our compromises have taken us?

We have the privilege of prayer. It might take some effort to climb a mountain to get alone with God. We might have to step away from technology for a few minutes, remove ourselves from the hustle and bustle of life, from our families and friends. It might be a bit inconvenient. But anything worth having is worth working for.

And I think tapping into the gift of prayer is worth it. How sad when we squander this precious privilege of prayer.

One Serious Job Description

Matthew 10

Would you, after reading the job description for a disciple, sign up? God describes what he’s looking for in a disciple here in Matthew 10.

A disciple:
1. will be taken to court
2. will be beat up
3. will be dragged before governors and kings
4. may be turned into the authorities by their brother, father, or child
5. may be executed
6. will be hated
7. will be persecuted
8. will be saved in the end because no one can kill the soul.

Well, at least number 8 sounds good. Anyone who says being a child of God translates into good health and hefty bank accounts is lying.

The Gospel of Jesus is offensive, and if you proclaim it there will be people who hate you. The Gospel reveals our sin, our depravity, and our hopelessness. The Gospel tells us we aren’t enough, that we will never be enough. And friend, no one likes to hear that.

“But hang on,” Jesus says. “Endure to the end!”

The Gospel is worth it. Jesus is worth it. Jesus promises that when we believe in Him we are saved. Scripture says when we confess our sins we are forgiven. We’re promised that when we are weak HE is strong. When we don’t have the words, HE gives us the words. When we are helpless, HE is able.

These disciples signed up, went on a mission trip, performed miracles, told the Truth, and came back excited about being disciples. They no doubt faced opposition, but it prepared them, strengthened their faith, and in the end eleven of them went to their deaths proclaiming Jesus as the Savior of the world.

So, Christian, are you ready to put feet to your faith? Read the job description carefully. Then sign on the dotted line. You’re signing up for war. It won’t be easy. But it will be blessed beyond what you imagine. In the end, you will face Jesus and hear Him say, “Well done, my faithful servant, my warrior. Come home!”

Woe To Us All

Luke 11

I know I probably comment on this every year when I get to this passage in God’s Word. But Jesus’ response to the lawyers’ hurt feelings is something we ought to emulate.

The lawyers didn’t object to Jesus hammering the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. But the truth of what Jesus was saying was hitting a bit too close to home for the lawyers. The lawyers, at least in their own minds, weren’t as bad as the Pharisees and they wanted to be sure Jesus made that distinction.

“Jesus, you’re starting to hurt our feelings with your ‘Woe to’s’ toward the Pharisees. We’re beginning to feel a bit threatened, unsafe, disrespected, misidentified.”

Jesus answers, “Oh, I’m sorry. Woe to you, lawyers…” and just so there would be no confusion Jesus began hammering them for their own sins. He didn’t coddle them, didn’t find them a safe place, or encourage them to stand strong, be proud, be who they were meant to be. “YOU ARE SINNERS,” He told them.

Do you honestly think Jesus would say to a man pretending to be a woman and upset because Jesus “misgendered” him, “Oh, I’m sorry, Ma’am. Sit here and let me do your nails?” No! He would say to that man, “YOU. ARE. NOT. A. WOMAN.”

The lawyers thought they weren’t as bad as the Pharisees. Today some men think they are women, some women think they are men, some people think they are cats. It doesn’t matter what you think!

Hear God say, “Woe to you.” And you know what? I think it’s time Christians did the same. So here goes. Sorry, not sorry.

XX will always be XX. XY will always be XY.
No one can change the binary gender God created: male OR female.
A male is a “he.” A female is a “she.: “They” is plural.
Woman are designed by God to carry a developing human in their wombs. Woman (not birthing persons) have babies. Men do not. Cannot.
Abortion is murder. Life begins at conception. God knew that person BEFORE he or she was planted in the mother’s womb. To end that life is murder.
There is objective truth.. There is right and wrong, good and bad, black and white.
There is truth, and there is opinion. They are not the same. And I will not pretend “your truth” is anything other than your opinion.

Call me what you want. Call me bigoted, hateful, intolerant, deplorable. I don’t care. Show me in the Bible where I’m wrong. Woe to all of us who deny what God has revealed in His Word.

Now, before you think I’m condemning anyone to hell, let me remind you what else God’s Word has to say.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Jesus died on the cross to buy your freedom from sin and mine, to break the chains of sin, to forgive us for our sins, to make us the righteousness of God. There isn’t anyone reading this post who cannot be saved. Show me in the Bible where I’m wrong.

What I’ve said here is not hate. In fact, I can honestly say I love you enough to be truthful with you. Jesus loved those lawyers enough to confront their sin. It would be hateful to go along with anyone’s sin, because sin separates us from God now, and in eternity. My friend, my heart’s desire is that you experience the Truth of God’s Word today; whether for the first time, or with a revived energy for proclaiming the Truth. Woe to us if we don’t.

What Do You Mean You Don’t Know Me?

Matthew 5-7

If there were no other Scripture than the Sermon on the Mount, and if people everywhere did what Jesus said, our world would not be in the shape it’s in. I mean, who can argue with controlling your anger, being a faithful spouse, treating people with kindness and respect, giving to the needy, living by the Golden Rule? This is good stuff!

I read recently that even Gandhi memorized Jesus’ entire sermon.

But taking out God’s rules for living and separating those from the person of Jesus Christ is the difference between building a life on sand and building a life on the Rock. You won’t survive the storm on sand.

Living a good life – even living a really good life – will mean nothing in eternity if Jesus doesn’t know you.

It would be like a person going into a bank to close out a savings account, only to find there is nothing there because he’s put all his money in his mattress in a house that has burned to the ground. The man might argue, “But I saved almost a million dollars,” only to hear the owner of the bank say, “But not with this bank. I don’t even know you.”

The things Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount ought to be lived out in the lives of all believers. An honest person will look at Jesus’ words and admit it’s impossible to live like that 24/7. And that would be true if the foundation of your life is self, religion, academia, or whatever.

But if your foundation is Jesus and his work on the cross on your behalf, living the truth of the Sermon on the Mount becomes more and more possible every day. When you and I are wearing Jesus’ righteousness, living the way Jesus lived becomes second nature. Maybe not immediately. But walk with Jesus for a while. He rubs off on you!

My prayer is that you are laying up treasures in heaven. Because one day you will want to cash in your account. When you stand before God, I pray He will welcome you with open arms and call you by name. It would be awful if he turns you away, and you hear yourself argue, “What do you mean you don’t know me? I’ve done a lot of good things.”

But you’ll know the answer to that question, and the life you built on sand will crumble.

A Hard-fast, Immovable, Beautiful Line

John 3

There is a popular notion that Jesus didn’t condemn people while He was on this Earth. John 3:17 says as much:

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. (John 3:17)

Even Andy Stanley says Jesus drew circles, not lines. But if we read all of what Jesus said to Nicodemus (and I hope you do), we’ll see Jesus was actually drawing a very important line. (not circles, Andy).

He wasn’t here to condemn the world because the world had already condemned itself. People sin. People are guilty. People are condemned by their sin. Jesus plainly says those who believe in Him are the ones not condemned.

Using the analogy of law, a guilty verdict rightly condemns a prisoner to death. Jesus’ death pays that sentence, leaving the believer not condemned any longer. The believer is forgiven, debt paid, not guilty, free.

On the other hand, those who don’t believe are rightly condemned by their own actions, and will pay the death sentence themselves.

That’s the line Jesus drew. Condemned/Not condemned; death/life; darkness/light.

That line Jesus drew is belief in Him. It’s not a circle. It’s a hard-fast, immovable, beautiful line.

Truly Free


There is so much in this wonderful book. But if we take only one thing away from it, we’ve got to understand God will be honored, respected, obeyed, and worshiped alone. He’s not fooled by good works or fancy words. He recognizes the pure and the contaminated. He will not accept anything less than what He demands – no exceptions.

That fact should cause us to fear Him. It’s His way or hell.

But He is not a tyrant. He’s not a slave-driver. He is love. He is just. He is a friend and a father. What we seem to have trouble grasping is that His way is what is best for us. It’s better than anything we can come up with on our own. Your best plans, your most favorite dreams, are nothing compared to what God offers.

It’s like a prisoner chained to a wall saying, “I don’t want freedom on God’s terms. I’d have to give up my chains. I’d have to move out of my cozy cell. I’d rather paint a picture of the sky on my wall than step out and see it for myself. I’d rather hug a mannequin than be embraced by God.”

You’d think that prisoner has lost his mind. Especially since you’ve seen the sky and know how beautiful it is.

Well, my friend. I have seen the sky. I have been embraced by God through the blood of His Son, Jesus. I am free from the chains of sin because I have repented of those sins, and I am forgiven. Why wouldn’t I want that for you, too?

For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble. The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will lead them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. (Malachi 4:1-2)

That’s what God, through the prophet Malachi, wants us to take away from his book. There are only two sides to this coin called life. Choose wisely. There is only one way to be truly free.

HIs name is Jesus.

My Service to the Lord

Nehemiah 5-8

There were some men who wanted to serve in the temple in Jerusalem. Their intentions were no doubt good, but they could not prove they actually belonged to Israel by birth. Because of that, they were considered unclean, and were denied the privileges afforded those who were proven Jewish.

Today, a lot of people want to be included into the family of Christ. They call themselves Christians, but when it comes right down to it, they haven’t been born again. They haven’t dealt with their sin problem and asked Jesus to cleanse them. They, too, will be excluded in the end.

But in this passage of Scripture we also read about hundreds of men, along with their sons who did serve the Lord. In fact, all we know about the majority is that they served the Lord. Thousands of years after their deaths, we are still reading their names based on their service to God.

We don’t know their net worth, or the kind of camel they drove, or if their house had a view. We don’t know how much education they had, or whether they had influential friends. All we know – all we know – is that they served the Lord.

That’s what I want people to say about me today, tomorrow, a hundred years from now and into eternity. “She served the Lord.” I have been saved by grace. I am a Christian according to Scripture. And I am a servant of God.

That, my friend, is all that matters – all that will matter in the end. It’s not about me. It’s about my Savior, and my service to the Lord.

Arm Yourselves.

Nehemiah 1-4

They weren’t at war with their neighbors. But there certainly was the threat of war. They had been lied to, disrespected, bullied, discouraged, and when that didn’t stop them, their lives and the lives of their children were threatened. So what did they do?

They armed themselves – and kept working.

The Jews were repairing the wall around Jerusalem. And when I say the Jews I mean builders and masons, perfumers and goldsmiths, government workers and artsy folk, sons and even daughters. Hundreds of Jews working together.

It’s a picture of the Church. And like they, we are living with the threat of war. We’ve been lied to, disrespected, bullied and discouraged in our attempt to build God’s kingdom. We and our children are being threatened.

We aren’t at war with our neighbors. But there certainly is the threat of war. What should we do?

We could take a page from the lives of these Jews we read about in Nehemiah. Let’s take up our sword; let’s be diligent about guarding our efforts from intruders. But let’s keep building, keep sharing the Gospel, keep introducing Jesus to people who need Him.

Let’s not use inferior material and think the end justifies the means. The Gospel is the Gospel. Jesus is the only way. Truth is true. Sin is sin. The Jews didn’t slap cardboard up there because it was easier. They built a structure that would stand against storms and enemies. We should do the same.

“It’s too hard,” you might say. “People are offended by the message we bring.” “I can’t stand up against my family, or a mob, the government or the false teaching.”

Hear God say to you what he said to the Jews through Nehemiah:

Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes. (4:14b)

Arm yourselves. And keep working.