Monthly Archives: January 2024


Exodus 4-7

The thing that stood out to me today is that the Israelites did not listen to what God was telling them through Moses because of their circumstances and emotions (6:9). They were discouraged because they were being treated unfairly.

Understandable because Pharaoh really wasn’t being fair. They really were being mistreated and most likely couldn’t see a way out.

But instead of going to God, trusting God, they cut Him off. Instead of being open to hearing His voice, they stopped listening.

Boy, can I relate. I haven’t gone through a fraction of what these Israelites did in Egypt. Yet when faced with my own hardships I’ve been known to give God the cold shoulder. My prayers are fewer. My expressions of love more guarded. My time in His Word is met with silence.

And when I stop listening, I fall deeper and deeper into self-pity and even despair. It’s at those times I’m discouraged, and can’t see a way out.

God, help me – help all of us – to keep the lines of communication open between us and You. I don’t even want to think about all we miss when we allow our circumstances to drown out Your voice. Help us to trust You, and submit ourselves and our circumstances into Your capable hands. Speaking for myself, I don’t want to miss anything You want to say to me.

Take Off Your Sandals

Exodus 1-4

Moses grew up a prince in the palace of the most powerful king in the world at that time. He most likely had everything a boy could ask for. In fact, the first forty years of Moses’ life was lived in luxury, honor, and privilege. He knew he wouldn’t be king, his stepfather had an older son. But if something should happen to his brother? Maybe.

Think of all the ways God could have saved Israel if Moses had been King of Egypt! If I were writing the story, I think that’s direction I’d take. But it wasn’t until Moses left that life and took on the lowest rung of the career ladder in Egypt… shepherd!… that God called him into action.

In fact, God waited another forty years until the prince in Moses was worked out of him and only a shepherd remained. Then Moses was ready for the task at hand.

How often do we think God can only use the successful, popular, well-spoken extroverts to do great things? That’s not true. In fact often we see those kinds of people rejected by God in favor of the weak and lowly. Think the shepherd boy David. Think the recluse John the Baptist. Think the fishermen, tax collector, disciples. Think Mary Magdalene. Dozens and dozens of outcasts and “sinners” used by God in extraordinary ways.

God delights in using ordinary people like you and me who are willing to take off our sandals and stand on holy ground, to allow God to show His strength in our weakness, His power through us so He is clearly seen.

So whether you are living in a palace or sleeping under the stars with smelly sheep, God can use you. Take off your sandals. Spend time on holy ground. Stop the excuses and submit to the perfect will of God. Moses saw incredible things happen when he did that.

And so will you!

Hold On

Job 26-31

As Job speaks his last defense to his friends, I can almost feel his pain. He’s at rock bottom, trying to make sense of it all.

He went over and over his life, the choices he’d made to see where he might have gone wrong. He remembers being successful and respected, honored by young and old alike. He remembers opening this home to strangers, feeding the hungry, caring for the needy. He remembers praying to and trusting in God. He remembers choosing right over wrong to the point he wouldn’t even look at another women so he wouldn’t sin against his wife.

He stood by his righteousness. And he was disappointed that God seemed to have turned his back on him. And yet…

Even in the midst of his pain, confusion, and sorrow Job couldn’t let go of hope. By now it was just a thread, but it prevented him from turning his back on God. Job may have felt he was speaking to the back of God’s head, but Job couldn’t let go of the hope that something bigger and greater was going on. He still had trust in God. He just couldn’t let go. Yes, even though he was hanging on by a thread.

When everything around me is falling apart, when I feel the rocky bottom getting closer, when it seems easier to curse God and die, may I hold on to hope. The truth is, God is faithful. There is something bigger and greater going on that only God knows. And God can be trusted.

Job will find all that to be true. And I have done the same.

Exactly What You Need

Job 11-14

Who can blame Job for having a pity party? The man had been handed an incredibly hard pill to swallow. He was sad. He was sick. He had questions. But here’s what I think we can learn from Job’s example: the longer the pity party is allowed to continue, the deeper into despair you go.

Job thought about the unfairness of it all, his personal loss, the fact that he was totally alone in this consumed him. Now, in just a few chapters we will see he realizes the harm in that. But right now, the man is about as low as a man can be.

Some of you may be going through Job-like circumstances. No one is telling you not to be sad. Jesus wept when Lazarus died. No one is telling you not to question. Jesus, on the cross, asked, “Why?” However, we as Christians don’t have to stay in the sad or uncertainty.

We, like Paul, can learn to be content in whatever circumstances we find ourselves because we can trust God who does all things well, who works things out for the good for those of us who love Him.

Whatever it is that is bringing you down, the state of the world, the state of the Church, your home, your physical body, whatever it is, you can confidently surrender it to God. When you do HIs peace, peace the world cannot understand, will guard your hearts and minds now in your present circumstances and right into eternity.

When Christians are the worry-warts, the Debbie Downers, the frightened and paranoid, Satan wins! What kind of witness can you be if the only thing you’re focused on is you? How can you share God’s grace when you only talk about how bad things are? How can you express the joy of the Lord when you ignore the joy-giving Presence of God?

No matter what you are going through, God is still telling you to go and make disciples. No matter how tough life is for you, God is still telling you to be a light.

Do you remember Paul and Silas? They, bruised and bleeding and chained to prison walls, sang praises to God at midnight. And what happened? The foundation of the prison crumbled, their chains fell off, and they were free!

When we choose to fix our eyes on Jesus, God can shake the prison walls of our circumstances, break the chains that bind us to depression and anxiety or self-pity, and set us free.

Is it midnight, so to speak? Are you in the middle of hardship and loss? Have your pity party if you must. But please don’t stay there. Take your eyes off the prison walls and chains, and look into the eyes of Jesus, your advocate, your strength, a present help in times of trouble, your Savior who loves you!

He’s there. He’s listening. And He is exactly what you need.

God Is Good

Job 5-10

I think if my picture of God was the same as Job’s, I might pray to die, too. He views God as a prowling lion ready to pounce; Big Brother always watching, hoping to catch us doing something wrong. He sees God as the ultimate bully, and says no one is safe from Him.

That’s such a sad way to look at our loving Heavenly Father.

Now, Job’s attitude might be understandable considering everything he went through. But it is not an excuse.

Job, as well as we, seem to judge God by how well we are doing. If I’m healthy, wealthy, and happy then God is a good God. But if bad things happen I question if God is truly good, and maybe wonder if He exists at all. Are we saying God is only worth worshiping in the sunshine?

No matter what our circumstances, God is good. No matter our health, our finances, our relationships, God is good.

As I was reading Job’s speech today I was reminded that it’s not my place to judge God. I can question Him. But in the end I can only surrender to Him, knowing no matter what…

God is good.

Know Your Enemy

Genesis 36; 1 Chronicles 1:35-2:2

Reading these chapters can be tedious. Names hard to pronounce. People long gone with seemingly no relevance today. But if all Scripture is inspired by God, these chapters must be here for a reason. What does God reveal about Himself? What does He want us to learn?

First of all, I see a God who knows us by name. He knows the details of our lives like the guy who discovered hot springs, or the guy who had a sister.

Second, by listing these historical names we are reminded that Scripture is not a fairy tale. These are real people who lived real lives one real day at a time. They had hopes and dreams, and good days and bad. Some had happy homes and some had heartache. Some were rulers and some worked in the fields. The Bible is about people and their relationship with God. The Bible is true.

But here’s what struck me today. I can understand why God documented the genealogy of Israel. It was one way of proving the fulfillment of His promise to Abraham that the Savior would be his offspring. But why give equal time to Edom, the enemy of God’s children? Why should we care which evil person fathered which evil person?

Could it be God’s way of telling us we need to identify our own enemies? Someone has said, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” Is that the message here?

I doubt it because God inspired Paul to tell us to run from temptation. But you’ve got to know that what tempts you is from the enemy. You’ve got to be able to recognize the enemy so you know what it is you are to be fleeing.

Thank you, God, for this reminder today. I don’t want to blow off any of my enemies. I want to look them in the eye and say, “Get behind me, Satan. Get behind me jealousy, anger, impure thoughts, selfishness. I see you. I recognize you. And I reject you in the Name of my Savior, Jesus Christ.”

I would challenge you to read God’s Word, not for the enjoyment or for the ease of it. Read it and ask God to reveal Himself, His truth, His will for your life. It’s in there on every page.

Just Like Me

Genesis 32-35

The Bible doesn’t portray God’s people as saints. In fact, God is very honest to paint a picture of flawed, deceitful, prideful sinners. From Adam to Israel we see rebellious, foolish, and violent people who squander their relationship with God.

Why didn’t God cover up their disobedience when He inspired men to write out His history with His people? Why didn’t He rationalize their sin, give excuses for their sin? Why didn’t He make it look like people with a relationship with Him do no wrong, and always have everything they need and want? You don’t try to sell a used car by pointing out the bald tires and faulty transmission.

God didn’t sugar-coat what happened because God’s people are no different today than they were then. We are no less accountable for our choices than they were. And God is as patient and willing to forgive today as He was in the pages we read in His Word.

God lays it all out there so we can relate, we can recognize our own bent to sin, and we can trust Him to do what He’s always done – forgive repentant sinners just like Jacob…

and just like me.


Genesis 18-20

God kept Abimelech from sinning. He’d planned to have sex with Sarah, Abraham’s wife because he thought Abraham and Sarah were brother and sister. Somehow God stepped in and thwarted Abimelech’s plan so that he would not commit adultery.

We don’t know what that looked like, but Scripture tells us God intervened on behalf of Abimelech (and Sarah).

I wonder how many times God has intervened on my behalf without me even being aware. How many temptations has he swatted out of my way, how many doors has he closed, and prayers He’s not answered so that I would not sin?

I was a child long before car seats and seatbelts were required in cars. We kids sat (or stood) on the front bench seat and our safety restraint was Mom’s right arm thrust between us and the windshield when she saw danger ahead. I have that picture in mind when I think about God’s protection of Abimelech; God’s right arm thrust between Abimelech and sin.

I thank God for intervening on my behalf, too. Not that I’m sinless because sometimes I barge right through the barriers God puts in place. But today I want my walk with God to be close enough that I will recognize when He’s got HIs arm out, and allow Him to restrain me. I thank Him for wanting to.

A Better Way

Genesis 4

Some people might think God was unfair to reject Cain’s offering and accept Able’s when the sacrificial system wasn’t even a thing yet. But was it unfair? Or loving?

First, there was no punishment connected to Cain’s inferior sacrifice. It doesn’t say God was even mad at him. By rejecting the sacrifice, God was simply pointing out that there was a right way to approach God, and a wrong way.

Then, and here’s the precious part of the story we sometimes miss, God tries to teach Cain how to do it right. Like a dad putting his hand over his son’s hand holding a pencil, and making the letters that spell out his name, God is guiding Cain to do better. That’s love.

So many people today think the loving thing is to just let the child be. Let him figure things out for himself, come up with his own truth. And never, NEVER, hurt his feelings. That’s the direct opposite of God’s demonstration of love.

The important thing is NOT a child’s self-esteem or happiness. The most important thing is the difference between right and wrong. And there is a difference! It’s not loving to allow a child – or anyone – to choose that which is wrong.

Now, we see Cain is about as woke as the left is today. Instead of learning the right thing to do, instead of accepting correction and doing better, he got angry and cancelled his brother with a blow to the head. (and woke-folk think they are so enlightened. They are no more enlightened than the second generation of humanity. So much for evolving.)

Oh, Christian, let’s let God be our example. Discipline your children. Don’t giggle at disobedience, don’t shrug your shoulders and let them figure out right from wrong for themselves. Hurt their feelings when they are wrong. They’ll get over it- and be better for it. Don’t go along with your children who want to change their sex. Don’t participate in their sin. Guide them. Love them enough to tell them the truth. And keep telling them.

Teach your children to honor God, to live according to His Word, to be holy. Show them what that looks like in your own life. Because there is a right way to approach God. And a wrong way.

Which way do you want your kids to choose? Which way are you choosing for yourself?

Just Breathe

Genesis 1-3

Happy New Year! It’s great to be starting 2024 with you. My prayer is that this year will find each of us walking closer with God, bolder in our faith, and being the men and women God intends for us to be in a world that so desperately needs Him.

Reading the Creation story never gets old for me. This beautiful world was created by a loving God in such an organized, rational, perfect way. You and I are wonderfully made by a Creator who wants us to know Him! That never gets boring!

What struck me today was the fact that, although Adam’s body was fashioned by God using things He had already created, that body lay dormant until God breathed His own breath into Adam’s lungs. Adam inhaled the very breath of God! YAHWEH.

People have noted that if you pay attention to your own breathing you can hear yourself whispering God’s Name. YAH-WEH. YAH-WEH.

Try it. The inhale sounds like YAH. The exhale, WEH.


Siri tells me we take about 20,000 breaths a day. Like it or not, you acknowledge your Creator 20,000 times a day just by breathing. It was the first name on your lips the moment you were born. It will be the last name on your lips before you die.


I find that incredibly precious. Intimate. God makes Himself known to me 20,000 times a day.

Now, I don’t know if that was God’s intention, the Bible doesn’t say. But I do know Adam came alive because of God’s breath in His lungs. And I know that it is the Breath of Life in me that allows me the courage to face the uncertainty of a new year.

And if it’s true that the Name of Yahweh is breathed in and out in me 7,300,000 times in 2024, I pray that it will bring joy to the God who created me, and longs for me to know Him.

I pray that for you, too.