It’s A Famine

I King 17:1-6

We live in a dry and barren land, don’t we? So many people are trying so hard to be “somebody,” they debase themselves for clicks and likes. If you can stomach it, scroll through Instagram. You’ll see many, many people sitting in their cars with their phones propped up on the dash, staring into the camera and moaning, wailing, emoting about some perceived injustice they’ve just experienced. You might hear others proclaiming their “truth” as though anyone actually values their opinions. Or, if you’re lucky, you might even find someone purring and licking their hands like a kitten.

I’m not saying there isn’t some good content in social media. But I am saying you don’t have to look very hard to find the under-belly, the pathetic attention seekers whose lives have no meaning apart from what they hope will be their ticket to fame and fortune.

“Maybe my next video will go viral.”

These lost souls and those who contribute to their delusion with clicks and likes are starving to death. They feed on the ridiculous, the immoral, the delusional.

Garbage in. Garbage out. There are millions of people who are spiritually and emotionally starving themselves while living in the richest country in the world.

When God sent a famine to punish Israel, one man was not effected. Elijah, a man of God, allowed God to feed him. Morning and night, Elijah ate all that God provided.

Can you say the same? Do you, morning and night, devour God’s Word? Do you communicate with God through quiet prayer and allow Him to feed your soul?

I’m not talking about podcasts, books, and blogs (yes, this one included) that comment about the Bible. I’m talking about YOU opening YOUR Bible and reading for YOURSELF what God has written to YOU. If you allowed your best friend to eat three meals a day for you while you fed on sand, you would die. If you allow your pastor or teacher read the Bible for you… same.

A spiritual, emotional, and moral famine is spreading throughout our society. You can choose to feed on the food of fools, or you can feast on the bounty that is God. One choice leads to death. The other to life.

I think you know which choice I’m praying you’ll make.

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