Monthly Archives: June 2024


2 Chronicles 30:19

When Hezekiah was king the dam broke. The people had been worshiping worthless idols, living in disobedience. I imagine they probably felt good about themselves thinking they were just fine doing what they were doing. But they weren’t fine. People living apart from God are never truly fine.

Like it or not. Deny it or not. There is a void placed by God in every human heart that can only be fulfilled by God Himself.

When the people heard the Truth and recognized their sinfulness, they couldn’t get to God fast enough. The dam that had separated them from God broke and the flood of repentance poured out. Hundreds of people hurried to the temple to offer sacrifices for their sin. In fact, so many came that the priests had trouble keeping up with the flow.

Then Hezekiah prayed:

May the Lord who is good, pardon everyone who sets his heart on seeking God… even if he is not clean according to the rules of the sanctuary.

You see, these people didn’t take time to clean themselves up. They went directly to the blood of the sacrifice. The rules of the sanctuary as had been explained by Moses weren’t abolished. But by the grace of God they were fulfilled on behalf of those who came seeking God for forgiveness.

And the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people. (verse 20)

Paul tells us:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

What we see here in 2 Chronicles and what is affirmed throughout the New Testament is that you don’t need to stop sinning, do X amount of good things, quit smoking or swearing BEFORE you go to God. Hezekiah calls it setting our hearts in seeking God. Paul calls it faith.

If you, dear one, would just run to the blood of Jesus instead of trying to make yourself feel worthy, if you would just place your faith in Jesus, the dam will break. The separation between you and God will be washed away and you will receive the beautiful, complete gift of salvation.

Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. (Acts 16:31)

The grace of God saved the Jews whose hearts were set on seeking Him. That same grace of God can save you, too.

The Power is the Miracle

2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Hosea

Israel was like a prostitute. Time after time, king after king she sold herself to (often) the lowest bidder as we see in their history recored in the books of Kings and Chronicles.

She would go back to God when things got really bad. But the temptation to sin was too great. Israel was addicted to sin

God asked Hosea to live a real-time object lesson to prove the point of Israel’s unfaithfulness. It must have been a tough life for the prophet to live.

I am reminded of a Christian recovering alcoholic by the name of Trisha Fenimore who posts on social media. I follow her on FaceBook. She was being criticized for describing herself as a recovering alcoholic. Well-meaning people tell her that by virtue of the work of the Holy Spirit she is healed, no longer an alcoholic. They wanted to encourage her to let go of the past because she has been saved, sins washed away. Which is true.

But Ms. Fenimore explained that the real miracle isn’t that God cured her alcoholism, but rather that He gives her the power to live sober as an alcoholic. She will always be an alcoholic (sinner) but God has provided what she needs – the power over the temptation to drink (sin) one day at a time. (I have paraphrased what she said).

Israel, and Gomer, and Trisha, and I, and you, have the power to resist temptation that comes to us every day. That is the miracle of a loving God for His children who live in a sinful world.

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (1 Corinthians 10:13, emphasis mine)

Doesn’t mean you won’t be tempted. Doesn’t mean God won’t let you sin. You will be tempted just like everyone else. But as His child, He will give you what you need so that you can choose to stand up under the pressure of sin.

Israel and Gomer didn’t choose to receive what God provided. They chose sin.

I pray that Trisha, and I, and you will choose to accept what God provides: the will and the strength to say no to alcohol, or pornography, or lying, or hatred, laziness, self… whatever tempts us to sin. I pray that instead, we will embrace God’s provision to live holy lives today. We can visit tomorrow’s temptations tomorrow.

Let’s choose God today and experience the miracle of the power to resist temptation in the midst of the temptation to sin, to have the provision of holiness in an unholy world.

They tried

Jonah 1-4

There are so many lessons to be learned from Jonah. Today the sailors spoke to me, maybe for the first time. They were pagan. they didn’t know God and most likely thought He was just another god like the ones they worshiped.

When the storm came they cried out to their gods, they tried to lighten the ship by throwing their valuable cargo overboard. They did everything they knew to do to save themselves.

These seem like really good men. Even when Jonah said God was punishing him and that if they wanted to be saved they needed to throw him overboard, they couldn’t do it. They continued to struggle against the storm, throwing more things overboard while sparing the life of Jonah.

But no matter how moral they were, or how hard they worked, or how many times they cried out to their gods, the storm kept getting worse. It wasn’t until they obeyed God that the storm calmed, and they were saved.

Does that remind you of so many in our world these days? Sometimes we think the enemies of God are bad people. But many, if not most are nice, moral, hard working, well meaning people doing everything they can to calm the storm, to be ok, to save themselves. What they find it hard to do is to surrender to the will of God. Thing is, there is no salvation apart from God.

I’m so glad the sailors we read about in the book of Jonah recognized the truth about God and believed. I pray the same will be true for the modern-day sailors who are trying so hard to save themselves. May they give it up, surrender to God, obey Him, accept the gift of grace through the blood of Jesus… and be saved.

It’s A Famine

I King 17:1-6

We live in a dry and barren land, don’t we? So many people are trying so hard to be “somebody,” they debase themselves for clicks and likes. If you can stomach it, scroll through Instagram. You’ll see many, many people sitting in their cars with their phones propped up on the dash, staring into the camera and moaning, wailing, emoting about some perceived injustice they’ve just experienced. You might hear others proclaiming their “truth” as though anyone actually values their opinions. Or, if you’re lucky, you might even find someone purring and licking their hands like a kitten.

I’m not saying there isn’t some good content in social media. But I am saying you don’t have to look very hard to find the under-belly, the pathetic attention seekers whose lives have no meaning apart from what they hope will be their ticket to fame and fortune.

“Maybe my next video will go viral.”

These lost souls and those who contribute to their delusion with clicks and likes are starving to death. They feed on the ridiculous, the immoral, the delusional.

Garbage in. Garbage out. There are millions of people who are spiritually and emotionally starving themselves while living in the richest country in the world.

When God sent a famine to punish Israel, one man was not effected. Elijah, a man of God, allowed God to feed him. Morning and night, Elijah ate all that God provided.

Can you say the same? Do you, morning and night, devour God’s Word? Do you communicate with God through quiet prayer and allow Him to feed your soul?

I’m not talking about podcasts, books, and blogs (yes, this one included) that comment about the Bible. I’m talking about YOU opening YOUR Bible and reading for YOURSELF what God has written to YOU. If you allowed your best friend to eat three meals a day for you while you fed on sand, you would die. If you allow your pastor or teacher read the Bible for you… same.

A spiritual, emotional, and moral famine is spreading throughout our society. You can choose to feed on the food of fools, or you can feast on the bounty that is God. One choice leads to death. The other to life.

I think you know which choice I’m praying you’ll make.

True Happiness

1 Kings 11; 2 Chronicles 9, Ecclesiastes 1-3

You read about Solomon’s life and it’s tempting to think he had everything a man could dream of. Wealth that mirrored that of Bezos and Musk combined, he lived an indulgent, lavish lifestyle. He married 700 women and kept 300 more on the side. The man knew how to throw a party.

But when you read Ecclesiastes, you hear the voice of an empty man. You hear disillusionment and bitterness. You hear regret.

How can that be? Don’t most of us think that if we could just win the lottery, or earn that next million, or if we had power and popularity we’d be happily fulfilled? We certainly wouldn’t sound like Solomon, would we, if we had everything we ever dreamed of?

Solomon did what so many do – he thought he could ride the fence. He thought he could have one foot in the world following his own desires, and one foot following God. He found out you can’t be obedient and disobedient at the same time. You’re one or the other. Solomon was disobedient, and you hear the word “meaningless” repeated over and over when he’s describing the results of his choices.

My friend, your effort to “find yourself,” or “take care of yourself,” or “do what’s best for you,” will result in the same meaningless existence. Solomon knew (although we don’t see him ever surrendering his “self”) that :

without (God) who can eat or find enjoyment? To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness… (Ecclesiastes 2:25-26)

Solomon tried to find meaning on his own, apart from God, even though he knew the answer IS God. Knowing it, and surrendering to it are two different things, apparently.

Solomon would tell us today that you can’t “find” happiness. True happiness and meaning and enjoyment of life is a gift from God to those who choose obedience. And, dear ones, it doesn’t get better than that!