Luke 18-21; How Can You Know, Really?

Can anyone really know whether or not they are going to heaven? I mean, who’s to say this person is, but that person is not? There are so many religions out there, isn’t it a bit conceited for anyone to think they’ve got the only key to heaven, the only claim to truth?

Well, first of all… I know I am going to heaven. I know it. I don’t hope so, I don’t even pray so. I know it as sure as I know my name. I am going to heaven. And honestly, I look forward to it.

You might ask how I can be so sure. That answer is found in the chapters we read today in Luke’s Gospel.

But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. (20:31)

You see, I’ve read the Gospels. I’ve searched the entire Bible, and I can’t help but believe it. John tells me that the words in this precious book were written so that I could know that by believing in Jesus, I will have life in His Name.

John tells us what is written is only a portion of everything Jesus did before and after the cross. There is no way he could record each and every word and miracle. But he tells us what is written is enough to convince the strongest skeptic.

I like what Matthew Henry has to say about this verse. The “life” John speaks of is both spiritual life and eternal life. I like that thought because yes, I am going to heaven. But I am also living my best life right here, right now, with Jesus at my side, His Spirit living in me.

Oh, I believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. I know He lived, died, and rose again to pay for my salvation. I am His. He is mine. Now and forever.

I know it. Really.

5 thoughts on “Luke 18-21; How Can You Know, Really?

    1. cazehner Post author

      I love to hear this! Praising God with you for the blood of Jesus that bought our ticket. And, my sister, I look forward to worshiping God with you there for eternity! What a day that will be!

    1. cazehner Post author

      WooHoo! Looking forward to a hearty handshake and a hug from you, my cyber-friend! That is if I can get you to stop dancing before the Lord for a second. I have an idea nothing is going to slow you down. 🙂


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