True Happiness

1 Kings 11; 2 Chronicles 9, Ecclesiastes 1-3

You read about Solomon’s life and it’s tempting to think he had everything a man could dream of. Wealth that mirrored that of Bezos and Musk combined, he lived an indulgent, lavish lifestyle. He married 700 women and kept 300 more on the side. The man knew how to throw a party.

But when you read Ecclesiastes, you hear the voice of an empty man. You hear disillusionment and bitterness. You hear regret.

How can that be? Don’t most of us think that if we could just win the lottery, or earn that next million, or if we had power and popularity we’d be happily fulfilled? We certainly wouldn’t sound like Solomon, would we, if we had everything we ever dreamed of?

Solomon did what so many do – he thought he could ride the fence. He thought he could have one foot in the world following his own desires, and one foot following God. He found out you can’t be obedient and disobedient at the same time. You’re one or the other. Solomon was disobedient, and you hear the word “meaningless” repeated over and over when he’s describing the results of his choices.

My friend, your effort to “find yourself,” or “take care of yourself,” or “do what’s best for you,” will result in the same meaningless existence. Solomon knew (although we don’t see him ever surrendering his “self”) that :

without (God) who can eat or find enjoyment? To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness… (Ecclesiastes 2:25-26)

Solomon tried to find meaning on his own, apart from God, even though he knew the answer IS God. Knowing it, and surrendering to it are two different things, apparently.

Solomon would tell us today that you can’t “find” happiness. True happiness and meaning and enjoyment of life is a gift from God to those who choose obedience. And, dear ones, it doesn’t get better than that!

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