The Power is the Miracle

2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Hosea

Israel was like a prostitute. Time after time, king after king she sold herself to (often) the lowest bidder as we see in their history recored in the books of Kings and Chronicles.

She would go back to God when things got really bad. But the temptation to sin was too great. Israel was addicted to sin

God asked Hosea to live a real-time object lesson to prove the point of Israel’s unfaithfulness. It must have been a tough life for the prophet to live.

I am reminded of a Christian recovering alcoholic by the name of Trisha Fenimore who posts on social media. I follow her on FaceBook. She was being criticized for describing herself as a recovering alcoholic. Well-meaning people tell her that by virtue of the work of the Holy Spirit she is healed, no longer an alcoholic. They wanted to encourage her to let go of the past because she has been saved, sins washed away. Which is true.

But Ms. Fenimore explained that the real miracle isn’t that God cured her alcoholism, but rather that He gives her the power to live sober as an alcoholic. She will always be an alcoholic (sinner) but God has provided what she needs – the power over the temptation to drink (sin) one day at a time. (I have paraphrased what she said).

Israel, and Gomer, and Trisha, and I, and you, have the power to resist temptation that comes to us every day. That is the miracle of a loving God for His children who live in a sinful world.

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (1 Corinthians 10:13, emphasis mine)

Doesn’t mean you won’t be tempted. Doesn’t mean God won’t let you sin. You will be tempted just like everyone else. But as His child, He will give you what you need so that you can choose to stand up under the pressure of sin.

Israel and Gomer didn’t choose to receive what God provided. They chose sin.

I pray that Trisha, and I, and you will choose to accept what God provides: the will and the strength to say no to alcohol, or pornography, or lying, or hatred, laziness, self… whatever tempts us to sin. I pray that instead, we will embrace God’s provision to live holy lives today. We can visit tomorrow’s temptations tomorrow.

Let’s choose God today and experience the miracle of the power to resist temptation in the midst of the temptation to sin, to have the provision of holiness in an unholy world.

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